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Birthmarks come in various shapes and sizes, and while some of us love our birthmarks, others may feel less confident about them. If you find yourself in the latter group, know birthmarks can often be treated with the help of a dermatologist, reducing their appearance and boosting your confidence.

At Academic Alliance in Dermatology, we provide the latest treatments for birthmarks, helping to ensure the best possible care and results. Our experienced providers have been at the forefront of birthmark treatments since our founding, and we continue to stay up-to-date with the newest advancements in this field.

Types of Birthmarks

Whether you’ve had a birthmark your whole life or your little one was just born with one, it’s important to recognize the various types. Some birthmarks go away on their own while others grow with the child, so it’s important to have them looked at by a dermatologist.

Common types of birthmarks include:

Strawberry Hemangioma

As its name suggests, this birthmark looks like a strawberry-colored lump. It often grows quickly, usually until a child is four to six months old. However, most strawberry hemangiomas disappear on their own, leaving little evidence it was there in the first place. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 10% disappear by the age of one, and 90% are gone by the time a child is 10 years old.

Port-wine Stain

These birthmarks are dark red in color and are usually found on the face or hands, though they can occur on other body parts. Unlike strawberry hemangiomas, port-wine stains don’t tend to fade away over time.  In fact, as the child grows, this birthmark often grows as well. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can reduce the appearance of these marks by lightening or removing them.

Mongolian Spot

This birthmark is slightly raised and typically found on the lower back or buttocks. This type of birthmark appears more often in darker-skinned individuals and usually fades away between ages one and five.

White Spot

This type of birthmark is a little different than the others, as it’s white or lighter than your skin color. They can vary in size and location but are most commonly found on the face, neck, lower back, or arms. These birthmarks don’t typically need treatment and usually disappear as the child grows.

Café-au-lait Spot

This birthmark is usually larger than other types, and it’s light brown to dark brown in color. It’s very common and typically found on the trunk or limbs. Treatment isn’t necessary unless it’s causing discomfort or insecurities.

Treatments for Birthmarks

At Academic Alliance in Dermatology, we provide the latest treatments available for all types of birthmarks. While not every birthmark requires treatment, we offer options ranging from topical creams to laser therapy. Our experienced providers can help you determine the best course of treatment for your particular birthmark, helping you feel more confident in your own skin.

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