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Providers’ Picks: Exploring Our Favorite Skincare Products

skincare products, skincare routine, skincare regimen, best products for your skin, obagi products, obagi NU derm, tampa dermatologist, dermatologist in tampa, tampa skincare, academic alliance in dermatology, best skincare routine

Our providers are incredibly passionate about helping our patients find the right skincare products and put together the best possible routine for their skin, so throughout the month of May we’ll be doing a little series called “Providers’ Picks”, where several of our providers will highlight their favorite products and skincare routines. We shared Heather Scull’s favorite skincare picks a few weeks ago, and next up is our beloved provider: Katie Rehberg, PA-C, MSPAS!

Here’s what Katie had to say about her skincare journey and her product pick, the Obagi Nu Derm system.


Story time. I was 20, just finished undergrad at USF, starting PA school at UAB in the fall; I still had acne. Not to mention discoloration from scarring / tanning etc. I was in that boat where I would tell the Dermatologist “I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked for my acne”. I struggled.

Fast forward a year and I was in my plastic surgery rotation. During my first rotation the MD suggested that I try Obagi’s Nu Derm systen for my acne. He told me it would “help take a couple layers off and change your skin”, the staff in the office had all used the system, and everyone told me I would see a major change. Wow, were they right.

The first month was tough. My skin peeled, cracked, was red and sometimes sore. BUT YA’LL. It got better. My skin finally improved. The unevenness, the acne, the reds and browns…all of it improved. And it got better in 6 weeks, not 6 months, not a year; 6 weeks!

I got married in August of 2009 and was actually confident in my skin, which is just one less thing to worry about on your wedding day.

So besides the NuDerm system improving my skin, why else am I a fan?

Reason #1: Steps

I am a BIG FAN of when things are easy. Right?! Who isn’t? With these products the steps are LITERALLY labeled on the bottles.

  • Step 1 – Wash your face
  • Step 2 – Toner
  • Step 3 – Clear
  • Step 4 – moisturize
  • Step 5 – Sunscreen

You get it right? Its on the bottles, spelled out step by step how and when to use the products.

Reason #2: Science (More specifically, Hydroquinone & Tretinoin)

These topical medications have proven over and over to improve your skin tone, texture, pigment, pore size, etc. Hydroquinone works on the melanocytes (pigmented skin cells) to even out the pigment and help every cell look the same. Tretinoin works to exfoliate the skin cells. (Our skin cell turnover rate slows as we mature leading to dullness in our complexion and clogged pores).

The NuDerm FORMULATION takes these ingredients and turns them into magic!

I can prescribe tretinoin and hydroquinone separately; and some times it works. But if I want to hand a patient a pretty much guarantee on how to transform their skin the NuDerm kit is where it’s at.

Reason #3: Product Consistency

When it comes down to it, the proof is in the results. These products have been around for 30 years, and there’s a reason why year after year dermatologists keep recommending them to patients. When it comes to skincare Obagi is a total powerhouse of a brand, and if you mention Obagi, everyone in skincare immediately thinks of the NuDerm kit. It is synonymous with skin care.

At Academic Alliance in Dermatology we truly believe that perfect skin is within reach for every patient, and if you ever need help figuring out what products to use or how to create a great skincare routine, our providers are here to help.

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