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A COVID-19 Update From Dr. V

Despite the craziness that has been going on for the last few months, our staff are committed to caring for your skin, in times of health and in times of disease. Please read this message from Dr. V regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and what you can do to stop the spread!

Dear Patients & Fellow Citizens:

The last months have shown all of us how much we are connected to each other, in life and in death. We have the skills and the technology to help cure deadly diseases, and yet we can inadvertently transmit a deadly virus as well. A small, tiny RNA virus particle is bringing humanity to a standstill!

Humans, Earth, and Nature are intimately connected in many ways. That is why we should strive to seek goodness all the time, in every action we take or decision we make. Pollute less, respect each other more, and honor the power of nature. In times of crisis like this, we are reminded of the importance of being better – to our world, ourselves, and the people around us. Although the motions of our daily lives have drastically changed, the earth has not come to a standstill. Tomorrow there is a NEW DAWN, there is HOPE.

Academic Alliance in Dermatology has operated as a deeply community-based organization for 32 years now. We have roots that connect us with all of you in so many ways. Despite the challenges of these difficult times, safety and health remain our primary goal. Let us all come together (figuratively), stay healthy, and remain safe; we will emerge stronger at the end of this, whether that is in a few weeks or a few months. In the meantime, we are and will remain open at most locations. Our staff are committed to caring for your skin, in times of health and in times of disease.

Services We Offer:

  1. Emergency Care ALL THE TIME: Infections, skin cancer surgeries and any type of allergic reactions.
  2. Urgent Care: After carefully triaging all of your signs and symptoms.
  3. Tele-Health/Tele-Dermatology: When appropriate we will care for you by phone and videoconferencing.
  4. Routine Medical Visits: Yes, we are making appointments for your regular exams. We are OPTIMISTIC this could happen soon.
  5. Aesthetic & Cosmetic Visits: These are generally elective, and we are currently making appointments for May. We miss you and pray that you will stay safe!

Panos Vasiloudes, MD, PhD, FAAD, FAAP President, CEO, CMO

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